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About Us

Strata Community Association (WA) represents strata community management in Western Australia.

SCA (WA) is the peak industry body for strata and community titles in Western Australia, representing over 250,000 strata lots under management. As a not-for-profit, member-based organisation, SCA (WA) is committed to the ongoing support of its members by providing education, advocacy and promoting professionalism.

SCA (WA) is committed to the ongoing support of our members by:

  • Providing education and professional development;

  • Promoting professionalism and a code of conduct; and

  • Providing strong advocacy and direction to government, community and members.


2011 - 2012 Ida Smithwick

2012 - 2014 Andrew Chambers

2014 - 2016 Rachel Cosentino

2016 - 2020 Scott Bellerby

2020 - 2023 Catherine Lezer

2023 - Present Andrew Chambers

The Strata Titles Institute of WA (STIWA), now known as Strata Community Association WA (SCA WA), was born in 1989 due to some passionate individuals who determined the need for a unified industry body to bring about understanding, awareness and uniformity in the Strata Industry. The 'Industry Body', should also when necessary provide representation to Government on whatever amendments may be required to the Strata Titles Act.


Michael Powell

Ian Laird

Sheryal Griggs

Beverley Grigo

John Angus

Ida Smithwick

Karen Richardson

Andrew Chambers

Mark Atkinson

Jake Kneebone


Our not for profit organisation is governed by our constitution which sets out how we operate.


View the constitution by clicking here

Strata in Western Australia

Based on the 2020 Australasian Strata Insights Report, more than 90,000 Western Australian residents live in apartments with 51,798 strata schemes and 251, 425 lots registered. Australia-wide, more than 2.2 million people live in flats and apartments, the vast majority being strata titled.1 This figure does not include other forms of strata title such as townhouses and community titled developments. Nor does it include businesses operating in strata titled commercial buildings. The estimated value of property under strata title in Australia in 2020 exceeds $1.3 trillion.*

As the growth of apartment and strata living has intensified over the last decade, the strata management strata services industry has grown in lock step to serve it. Strata managers navigate through a maze of legislation and regulation ranging from actual strata specific legislation, regulation, workplace, health and safety issues and building codes as well as measures applicable to the management of body corporate funds.

* Hazel Easthope, Sian Thompson and Alistair Sisson, Australasian Strata Insights 2020, City Futures Research Centre, UNSW, Accessed at


© 2020 by SCA Ltd

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